angelica and medoro造句


  1. Angelica and Medoro marry in a countryside at the foot of a hill.
  2. Orlando regains his reason and forgives Angelica and Medoro.
  3. Zoroastro has saved Angelica and Medoro however; Orlando is overjoyed to see them and wishes them a happy life together.
  4. Meanwhile, in a mountainous alpine region with a high, precipitous cliff, Angelica and Medoro swear their love and part ways.
  5. Among his masterworks are a painting of " Angelica and Medoro ", of which Raphael Morghen made a reproductive print.
  6. It's difficult to find angelica and medoro in a sentence. 用angelica and medoro造句挺难的
  7. Orlando, still raving mad about the marriage of Angelica and Medoro, fights with the temple statues, inadvertently destroying Alcina's power.
  8. At around the same time he created the designs for Giorgio's engravings of " Venus and Adonis " and " Angelica and Medoro ".
  9. The difference in texture between Christie and Hogwood is heard at its best in the trio which concludes the first act, in which Angelica and Medoro console the deserted Dorinda.
  10. "' Angelica and Medoro "'was a popular theme for Angelica and Medoro are two characters from the 16th-century Italian epic " Orlando Furioso " by Ludovico Ariosto.
  11. "' Angelica and Medoro "'was a popular theme for Angelica and Medoro are two characters from the 16th-century Italian epic " Orlando Furioso " by Ludovico Ariosto.
  12. Angelica and Medoro are saddened at having to leave the woods where they fell in love and Medoro carves their names into the trees as a memento ( Aria : " Verdi allori " ).
  13. They include Angelica and Medoro ( c . 1584; Padua, Barbieri priv . col . ), which has a preciousness in the landscape and in details of foliage and coiffures that sets it apart from Veronese's work.
  14. While in the original work, Orlando was the main character, many adaptations focused purely or mainly on the love between Angelica and Medoro, with the favourite scenes in paintings being Angelica nursing Medoro, and Angelica carving their names into a tree, a scene which was the theme of at least 25 paintings between 1577 and 1825.


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